While the European Parliament refused on 16 April, increasing the price of pollution permits on sale in the European Union not to penalize industrial activity, new ministers of energy and environment call EU to freeze a portion of emission allowances to be auctioned, as well as reform of the carbon market in crisis before the end of the year.
Joint Declaration on the EU ETS emission allowances.
1. We are firmly committed to the EU ETS emission [English Emission Trading Scheme, ETS] as the centerpiece of the policy of the European Union in the field of climate change and investment in quotas simple carbon systems for 2020 and beyond.
2. However, we note with deep concern that the ETS in its current form, is not able to generate price signals necessary to stimulate investment in urgently sober carbon systems because the supply of quotas significantly exceeds demand, which leads to a very low carbon price. Such a situation also threatens the credibility of carbon markets as a means most flexible and cost-effective to reduce emissions.
3. Since the majority of the European Union should stimulate low carbon investments to achieve their national goals, the other effect of this low price of carbon, if it continues, could be the way to a focus on regulation rather than market-based instruments, which induce increased for companies operating in Europe costs. approach
4. As we have seen throughout the financial and economic crisis, targeted interventions may be needed and we are convinced that only an adequate structural reform, giving investors a clear signal about the ambition of Europe in terms of control of carbon beyond 2020 will help to make the ETS its initial goal to reduce carbon emissions and stimulate low-carbon investments. Thus, we welcome the report on the Commission's carbon market, with options for reform, and the publication of the Green Paper on a framework by 2030 for climate and energy policy.
5. Even though we know that interference with the market should remain minimal, timely and targeted intervention at this stage would minimize uncertainty and market distortions, and promote investment in technologies with low carbon content . A delay could result in increased costs in the long term to meet the objectives of the EU 2050.
6. We take note of the vote in the European Parliament took place on April 16, on the proposal of "back-loading" and are disappointed with this result. The "back-loading" is a short-term solution while waiting for a structural reform of the ETS. The "back-loadées" allowances are payable on auction pots Member States and does not jeopardize the measures to prevent carbon leakage. The main factor in the cost of energy is the world price of fossil fuels and measures to reduce emissions will reduce exposure to volatile fossil fuel prices.
7. We ask both the Council and the Parliament to take the necessary urgent measures, working together constructively to achieve a rapid resolution of the "back-loading" proposal in July 2013.
8. However, in parallel to progress on the "back-loading", it is essential to focus back to more concrete measures to strengthen the system. We now ask the Commission to present by the end of the year at the latest proposals on adequate structural reform of the ETS, such as to give investors a clear signal of ambition Europe in terms of controlling carbon beyond 2020 to stimulate low carbon investments and emissions in the most efficient manner in terms of cost reductions.
Edward Davey, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change - UK
Peter ALTMAIER, Federal Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety - Germany
Delphine BATHO, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy - France
Wilma Mansveld, Minister of the Environment - Netherlands
Lena Ek, Minister of the Environment - Sweden
LIDEGAARD Martin, Minister for Climate, Energy and Building - Denmark
Assunção CRISTAS, Minister of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning - Portugal
City NIINISTO, Minister of the Environment - Finland
Dejan ZIDAN, Minister of Agriculture and the Environment - Slovenia
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