
jeudi 9 mai 2013

Wolf spotted for the first time in Ardèche

A wolf was photographed for the first time in Ardèche, in the territory of the municipality of Cellier-du-Luc. The cliché has allowed experts to authenticate the presence of this animal in that department.
The wolf is present in Ardèche. This is a night shot, made ​​on April 12 at 1:35 in the town of Cellier-du-Luc, which has demonstrated. The presence of the animal was strongly suspected since June 2012, when the first of 18 attacks on pets in the department.

But despite the establishment in November 2012 of a network of observers on the department and a report from the National Office and Wildlife (ONCFS) Hunting, not ruling out this hypothesis, "no visual observation, no fingerprints, no DNA evidence was still coming confirm with certainty the presence of wolves, "according to the prefecture of the Ardèche.

An automatic camera

The photograph of the canine was taken by one of the automatic machines the Departmental Territories. And no doubt this time, "the criteria are identified to characterize a majority Wolf" provide specialists of the National Centre for study and applied research (CNERA) of ONCFS, who appraised the shot.

The department of Ardèche has a place in the 2012 device to protect flocks against the attacks of the devil.

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